Enabling Environment

Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference

7 October 2019

The ICM President Franka Cadée attended the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) annual conference on 25 September in the UK.

“The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) held a well-attended and inspirational conference. The conference highlighted RCM’s success in advocating for women’s rights to evidence-based care in the UK and beyond her borders.” 

“The UK now has a Chief Midwife in Scotland and England and hope the other two countries will follow suit soon.”

“The ICM recommends that all governments follow the UK’s lead and employ a Chief Midwife who can be a key and essential advisor for governmental officials and ministers on health investments.” 

“The evidence is clear. Access to the continuity of carer by a midwife educated to international standards ensures that women receive the right care at the right time.” – Franka Cadée