About Our Members

Since 1922, ICM has brought together professional organisations of midwives across the world to unite and uplift each other to achieve ICM’s vision and mission. ICM provides member associations (MAs) with exclusive benefits, including professional development, networking, leadership and governance support. We help our MAs advocate for improvements to midwifery education, regulation and service provision. ICM also connects MAs in humanitarian situations to donors and support organisations.

We are the Global Voice of Midwives

ICM’s MAs are organised into six global regions. Currently, we have 136 MAs in 117 countries, representing over 1 million midwives globally. Learn more about our MAs by using the interactive map below. Hover over a pin to learn more about the MA.

Eastern Mediterranean
South-East Asia
Western Pacific

Contact our MAs

Member Association Email City Country Website
Afghan Midwives Association (AMA) [email protected] Kabul Afghanistan www.afghanmidwives.org
Alliance of Bulgarian Midwives (ABA) [email protected] Sofia Bulgaria www.midwivesbulgaria.org
American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) [email protected] Washington D.C. United States of America www.midwife.org
Asociación Civil de Parteras Profesionales de Guatemala (APPG) [email protected] Guatemala City Guatemala itsmy.bio/APPG
Asociación de Obstetras del Paraguay (A.O.P.) San Lorenzo Paraguay www.facebook.com/AOPparaguay
Asociación de Parteras Profesionales (APP) [email protected] Mexico City Mexico www.asociaciondeparterasprofesionales.org
Asociacion de Profesionales de Enfermeria Obstetrica de Costa Rica (APEOCR) [email protected] San Jose Costa Rica www.enfermeria.cr
Asociacion Española de Matronas (AEM) Madrid Spain www.aesmatronas.com
Asociacion Obsterica del Uruguay (AOU) [email protected] Montevideo Uruguay www.asosiacionobstetricadeluruguay.org
Associação Brasileira de Obstetrizes e Enfermeiros Obstetras (ABENFO) [email protected] Rio de Janeiro Brazil abenfo.wixsite.com/meusite

With ICM’s support, we have successfully got access to policymakers, for the first time in five years. This is a huge success for us. The Director General of Nursing and Midwifery made a number of commitments to BMS, which will help us develop further.

— Sharmin Shobnom Joya, Bangladesh Midwifery Society