
Regulation Toolkit

Last Edited 5 April 2016 14:53 CEST
A midwife Yuri Kudo does prenatal checkup at Yajima midwifery Clinic in Tokyo, Japan.

These Global Standards, along with the other core ICM documents provide a professional framework that can be used by midwives’ associations, midwifery regulators, midwifery educators and governments to strengthen the midwifery profession and raise the standard of midwifery practice in their jurisdictions. 

The ICM Global Standards for Midwifery Regulation (2011) can guide amendments to existing legislation and promote changes that strengthen regulatory frameworks to support autonomous midwifery practice. In those countries with limited or non-existent regulatory processes, these standards can guide the development of new midwifery regulation. Countries with existing midwifery regulation can use these standards as a benchmark for future changes. Legislation, policies, and procedures based on these standards will create midwifery regulatory frameworks that protect mothers and babies through the provision of safe and competent midwifery care.

The most urgent need for applying these standards is in countries with limited or non-existent midwifery regulation. Midwives in such countries have sought help from ICM as to how they can work collaboratively with governments, regulators, and policymakers to develop a plan and timeframe for implementing these global standards.


The toolkit is designed to help Midwives’ Associations to:

  1. Understand regulation
  2. Assess your status in relation to the ICM Global Standards for Midwifery Regulation
  3. Use the results of your assessment to identify goals
  4. Make action plans towards achieving those goals
  5. Help you monitor and evaluate your actions
  6. Provide information, skills, and tools

Regulation is a mechanism by which the social contract between the midwifery profession and society is expressed. Society grants the midwifery profession authority and autonomy to regulate itself. In return society expects the midwifery profession to act responsibly, ensure high standards of midwifery care and maintain the trust of the public.