
Midwives and Climate: A toolkit for midwives and midwifery advocates during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP)

Humanitarian and Climate Change
Last Edited 15 October 2023 04:23 CEST

Private and public funders are waking up to the reality that addressing the climate crisis must involve strategies to improve the health and status of women, especially women in the Global South and East. Midwives, as care providers and defenders of women’s sexual and reproductive health, are key players in designing resilient health systems capable of withstanding the worst impacts of a warming world, delivering environmentally sustainable health services, and empowering women and gender diverse people to make decisions that benefit them, their families and the planet. Put simply, climate activism is embedded in the midwife-led continuity model of care.

This toolkit is intended to be used by midwives and midwifery advocates — those on the ground during COP, and those monitoring the conversation from their social media feeds — to ensure midwifery is front and centre in strategies to address climate change and its impact on the health and wellbeing of women and families.