Advocacy, Leadership, Philosophy

International Nurses Day Statement – Franka Cadée

12 May 2020

“On this day, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, on behalf of International Confederation of Midwives, I would like to celebrate the incredible work of nurses all over the world, and acknowledge the special relationship we have with our nursing comrades.

We give thanks for the selfless contribution nurses are making every day to tackle COVID-19. They stand at the frontlines of this pandemic, and in alignment with this year’s theme are truly ‘Nursing the World to Health’.

We stand with ICN in calling on governments everywhere to acknowledge the crucial role nurses play in society and pledge to ensure nurses’ health and safety at work, and to improve their pay and working conditions.

ICN’s statement strongly aligns with the ICM Calls to action for midwives, both speak volumes to the conditions our global health workforce are facing daily.

In these challenging times, it is particularly important for us to come together to advance our shared aims: providing the best possible care. Nurses are committed to meeting the health needs of even the most vulnerable and are a critical point of care within communities worldwide. That’s why we are so proud to stand in recognition of the devotion of nurses across the world to their patients and the global community.

2020 has a special significance because this is the first ever International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife and we are proud to stand alongside you all. Keep up the incredible work you do.

Happy International Nurses Day.”

– Franka Cadée, ICM President. 

Download the full statamement here