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Midwife in the midst of war

How midwives operate in a war-torn country, both as professionals and as human beings

8 May 2024 @ 03:00 UTC+3

For International Day of the Midwife 2024, the Ukrainian Midwives Union shares the incredible work midwives do every day. Therefore,  they invite you, your colleagues, and anyone interested in midwifery, women’s health support, and the situation in Ukraine to attend an online meeting titled “Midwife in the Midst of War”.

During the event, midwives from frontline and border regions will discuss how they live and work in dangerous places and why they remain in Ukraine. The organisation’s president will also talk about their work, needs, developments, and the modern tools available to Ukrainian midwives that help us support and survive.

The purpose of this event is to share the knowledge they’ve gained over the years and find ways to better support women and their newborns during crises.