
Early Bird Registration for Bali Congress Extended Due to Corona Virus

28 February 2020

In order to provide all participants with an equal opportunity to register for the early bird fee, ICM is extending the Early Bird Registration Fee until April 1, 2020.

This decision has been made in light of the current situation concerning COVID-19 outbreak causing some nations to temporarily employ different measures including travel restrictions. We expect that this extension provides the time needed for the situation to improve.

Should you Cancel Your Travel Because of the Coronavirus? We think this is not necessary at this moment in time, because:

  • World Health Organization advises against implementing travel restrictions in general during an outbreak, including during this one.
    (More information and WHO recommendations for international traffic can be found here)
  • Indonesia – Bali is yet to report a single COVID-19 case (see the official statement here)
  • ICM 2020 office is doing its utmost best to prepare for increased hygienic standards on-site, following WHO key planning recommendation for Mass gatherings in the context of the current COVID-19 outbreak. 
  • We strictly recommend the following  increased hygienic standards when travelling such as avoid touching your face with your hands, avoid close contact with people who are sick, and wash your hands correctly and frequently – with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at 60 percent to 95 percent alcohol. 
    (More information about how to protect yourself can be found here)

Regular updates can be found on the congress website as well as on the WHO website here .