Apply for a Bursary to Attend ICM’s Regional Conferences in Kigali and Berlin!

ICM’s Regional Conferences provide a unique opportunity for midwives to gain skills necessary to collaborate to build a strong profession and strong professional organisations. This is a unique opportunity for midwives to learn more about advocacy, midwife models of care, leadership, humanitarian responses and much more, but also to network and learn from colleagues throughout the region.
ICM and our partners are committed to helping midwives who cannot afford to attend the Regional Conferences to have this important learning experience through the Regional Conference Bursary Programme.
More information about the Conferences can be found on their respective websites:
Africa and Eastern Mediterranean Regional Conference, Kigali, Rwanda, 24-26 September 2024
Europe Regional Conference, Berlin, Germany, 8 – 10 November 2024
The bursary includes
- A return air, train or bus ticket (as appropriate based on distance, economy class travel) for the days of the conference, to Kigali and/or Berlin, beginning and ending in the home countries of the sponsored midwife (costs vary, in the range of €500-€3,000)
- Visas (costs vary, in the range of €31-€190)
- Travel insurance for the days of the conference and travel days.
- Accommodation for 4 nights in a shared room in a 3-star hotel at €80/ night
- Conference fees, €300
- Per diem, 32 euro (35 USD)/day for the 3 days of the conference
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for the Regional Conference Bursary:
- Be a midwife according to the ICM International Definition of a Midwife.
- Be a member of an ICM member association in good standing (e.g. membership must be current, fees and other membership requirements must be met).
- Apply for the appropriate Conference (Kigali for applicants from the Africa and Eastern Mediterranean Regions; Berlin for applicants from the Europe Region).
- Did not receive funding to attend ICM’s 2023 Triennial Congress in Bali, Indonesia.
- Has not secured other funding to attend a 2024 Regional Conference.
Priority for bursaries will be given to
- Member association (MA) representatives who attended a Regional Meeting in the last two years (no more than one per MA will be considered)
- Midwives whose application shows how they will apply learning from the conference to their work
- Midwives living and working in low- or middle-income countries (LMICs) as defined by the World Bank will be prioritised, although we also encourage midwives from other countries to apply.
Application Process
Please complete this form with the following information by Sunday, 16 June 2024 at 23:59 CEST:
- Your contact information
- A short biography letter of motivation (500 words) that describes:
- Your background, including your qualifications (year and place obtained) followed by a description of your most recent employment (last five years);
- Your motivation for attending the Regional Conference: what do you aim to achieve at the Regional Conferences and how will you use the experience of Regional Conference attendance in your future work.
- Your willingness to participate in a post-conference evaluation interview or survey.
- A letter or proof from your national midwives’ association confirming you are a current member in good standing (please note that the MA must be a member of ICM – see membership list here).
ICM has secured a limited amount of funding to provide a select number of midwives with bursaries. Priority will be given as described above, after which midwives from underrepresented countries who meet all the eligibility criteria will be put in a random draw to receive bursaries.
Information about the awarded bursaries will be communicated by 31 July 2024.
ICM may secure more funding and midwives who are eligible may be contacted after the initial draw.
For questions regarding the application process, or to contribute to the sponsorship fund, please contact us at [email protected]