Education, Research

2010 Award Winners

1 April 2020

2019 Award Winners 

ICM Research Award

Cesa Pratiwi (Indonesia) 

About Cesa’s project:

The study aims to explore what women with perinatal mental health problems expect from their families and how the women’s families perceive their role to support women who have perinatal mental health problems. It is expected that research into women’s perinatal mental health problems involving the husband and/or other family members, such as the woman’s mother, could provide insights regarding the opportunity to establish a ‘safety net’ for women with perinatal mental health problems.


Beti Co (Guinea-Bissau) 

About Beti’s project: TBA


ICM Education Award

Lamya Allam (Morocco)

About Lamya’s project:

Renforçant nos compétences et élargir notre champ d’exercice: 

La lutte contre la violence basée sur le genre est une composante de la santé reproductive. Les sages-femmes doivent être capable de dépister, prendre en charge et lutter contre cette violence. La formation est la solution pour leur sensibiliser et leur outiller pour assurer cette mission.


Emma Nghitanwa (Namibia) 

About Emma’s project:

The simulation training program for midwifery educators will be developed to enhance their simulation competencies. The project is important for midwifery, maternal and newborn health as it will improve the simulation teaching skills of midwifery educators  that lead to better training of student midwives and improve quality of midwifery care rendered in health care settings in Namibia. 


Marie Goubran Agent of Change Award

Veronica Oduro-Kwarteng (Ghana) – Marie Goubran Agent of Change Award – English speaking

About Veronica’s project:

Birth Asphyxia is one of the leading cause of neonatal mortality in Ghana. The project aims at identifying knowledge and skills gap of Midwifery Tutors, Practicing Midwives and Student Midwives on neonatal resuscitation. This will help develop curriculum and plan training program for the participants.


More information about the awards:


ICM Research Award 2019

The purpose of the ICM Research Award is to promote midwifery research that enhances and documents evidence-based midwifery practice and to further develop midwifery research capacity. The award supports midwives to engage in research and recognise midwives who have taken an active role in conducting research or dissemination thereof through conferences and other channels.

ICM Education Award 2019

As an encouragement and example for midwifery educators, the ICM Education Award seeks to recognise midwives who create original, innovative and easily reproducible education programmes/courses at pre-service or in-service levels. 

Marie Goubran Agent of Change Award

The Marie Goubran Agent of Change Award is a memorial award established to recognise midwives in countries with special needs and limited funding opportunities, who demonstrate similar leadership and commitment, specifically in healthy baby development.