Statement in Support of the WHO
We at the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), in solidarity with the 143 Midwives’ Associations we represent, stand in support of our long-time partner, the World Health Organization (WHO) as this vital, global institution experiences drastic and unprecedented funding suspension.
Reliable and evidence-based guidance, during a Coronavirus pandemic, is critical to the health and safety of every citizen in every country in the world. Without daily, unbiased, information-sharing from a globally connected, scientifically motivated WHO, this pandemic would undoubtedly give rise to an even greater loss of life. As we’ve observed over the past few months, the health sectors of countries rich and poor have fallen short and failed in the face of this virus, further demonstrating the collective need for a World Health Organization to manage and mitigate a unified response.
For midwives who are only increasingly marginalised by COVID-19, trustworthy information is what our communities rely on to provide quality care to women, newborns, and families. Funding suspension to the WHO will have major consequences for how its country offices support health ministries, who in turn, support Midwives’ Associations.
We encourage midwives, frontline healthcare professionals, and concerned citizens alike, to reshare this statement in support of the WHO and the essential COVID-19 information this organization disseminates, and will continue to disseminate if permitted to do so by the funding channels that fuel its life-saving work.